CHEN Baoquan

Name:CHEN Baoquan


Research interests:Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Human-computer Interaction


E-mail:baoquan At pku DOT edu DOT cn

Personal Introduction

Baoquan Chen is a Professor of  Peking University, where he is the Executive Director of  the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies. Prior to the current post, he was the Dean of  School of Computer Science and Technology  at  Shandong University, and the founding director of the  Visual Computing Research CenterShenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008-2013), and a faculty member at Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities (2000-2008). His research interests generally lie in computer graphics, visualization, and human-computer interaction, focusing specifically on large-scale city modeling, simulation and visualization. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals and conferences, including two dozens or so papers in SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia. Chen received an MS in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing (1994), and a second MS (1997) and then PhD (1999) in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Chen is the recipient of the  Microsoft Innovation Excellence Program 2002, the  NSF CAREER award 2003,  McKnight Land-Grant Professorship for 2004,  IEEE Visualization Best Paper Award 2005, and NSFC "Outstanding Young Researcher" program in 2010. Chen served as conference co-chair of IEEE Visualization 2005, and served as the conference chair of  SIGGRAPH Asia 2014.